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Guided cycle tour in the Uckermark Lakes Nature Park

Guided bike tour

in the Uckermark Lakes Nature Park
Discover the Zerweliner Heide and Boitzenburg

Committed cyclists/e-bikers start at the train station in Prenzlau. We leave the town on cycle paths towards Dedelow on the B198 and turn left after Klinkow. We cycle the first 14 km mostly uphill and with a headwind in a westerly direction on quiet side roads. Via Basedow and Güstow, we reach Gollmitz and enjoy the agricultural part of the Uckermark with its lush fields. Here, at the end of the village towards Bergholz, we can meet the group of connoisseurs who only want to cycle the 35 km circular route on a nature park square at the junction of the Uckermärkischer Radrundweg.

Now the forest begins and we immerse ourselves in a different, quieter world. In Naugarten we visit the lake, one of the clearest and deepest in the Uckermark Lakes Nature Park. Perhaps you would like to take a short, refreshing dip.

Afterwards, we drive to the Zerweliner Heide, learn about the place, the history of the heath and the importance of moors and forests for our climate. Short impulses and small interactive activities on the topic of sustainability are offered throughout the tour.

The paths in the forest are always natural, rarely paved and there are sandy patches.

After reaching Lake Petznicksee, our next destination is Boitzenburg with its castle, monastery ruins and watermill. A longer stop awaits us here at the Mocca Milk ice cream bar with delicious ice cream and handmade cakes, as well as the only toilet on the tour. Then it’s back to Gollmitz or Prenzlau.

Tip: in July the forest blooms with thousands and thousands of foxgloves – a great time for the tour.

Services & Info

  • 35 km or 65 km guided cycle tour through the Zerweliner Heide to Boitzenburg with its castle, monastery ruins and 3 water mills
  • Participants: 1 -10 persons
  • Arrival by train desired, the long version of the tour starts and ends at the train station, short tour from Gollmitz
  • Food and toilet only in Boitzenburg, take 1 liter of water with you, mosquito and sun protection, bikes should be suitable for off-road use


  • 100,- or 150,- EUR for the group (will be divided among participants)



  • ICE, RE or RB to Prenzlau
  • Bike rental directly at the station
  • Tour planning at: www.vbb.de or www.wirbewegensie.de
  • Public parking lot at the train station

Contact & Booking

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