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Country house Arnimshain

In the Arnimshain Country House, a large number of environmentally conscious and sustainable measures have been implemented in recent years with a total volume of more than EUR 150,000.00 (“Climate-friendly Country House”).

Installation of a new heating system
The outdated, ecologically counterproductive and economically unviable liquid gas heating system was converted in 2010/2011. A geothermal heating system was newly installed with six geothermal boreholes, each with a drilling depth of approx. 130 m, which provides heat throughout the hotel as a low-temperature heating system. The geothermal heating system is supplemented by an air-source heat pump, which provides energy for hot water operation. After coupling these two devices, it becomes apparent that liquid gas is no longer required for heating or hot water. CO2 emissions were thus reduced to zero (apart from negligible – unavoidable – gas consumption due to the gas stove in the kitchen). Savings on heating costs amount to about 50%. As far as can be seen, the first heating system in the form of geothermal / air heating in the Uckermark, which serves for the operation of a tourist provider.

Installation of a photovoltaic system
In March 2012, the next building block was implemented: a photovoltaic system was installed on the roof of the Arnimshain country house (output approx. 27 kWp). The plant covers about 30% to 40% hotel demand. At the same time, this compensates for the increased electricity consumption due to the geothermal / air-source heat pump.

Processing of regional products
For the catering of the guests the Landhaus Arnimshain cooperates with regional and preferably ecologically responsible manufacturers and producers and processes their products, e.g. with the vegetable farm Bio-Alpakaland Wilhelmshayn and the Hoffleischerei Güstow. The game meat comes from our own hunting and processing.
This ensures short transport routes, fresh cuisine and minimal storage (refrigeration).

Tourist offer

  • Bed/breakfast individual and groups
  • Events (2 to 150 persons), especially family celebrations, seminars, conferences
  • “Restaurant” on reservation (fresh regional cuisine)
  • Organization of activities: bike, horse, canoe etc.
  • individual service: transfer, bike rental, call bus, recommendation nature tours, canoe rental, horseback riding, etc.

The house is climate friendly because we have

  • Purchase exclusively green electricity since 2009 (in addition to the photovoltaic system)
  • have installed a series of technical solutions to save energy: Interruption of the electric circuit in the guest rooms as soon as the guests leave the rooms; interruption of the heating circuit in the guest rooms as soon as the window is opened.
  • generate electricity and heat yourself through geothermal energy and photovoltaics
  • have all the taps of the hotel equipped with blocking regulators
  • Cook with seasonal and fresh products from the region
  • Use tap water instead of water bottles
  • use large packages to avoid waste
  • 90 % paperless communication, mainly by mail and telephone
  • Use ecologically degradable cleaning agents
  • Change towels/ hotel linen only according to guest needs
  • Use the rainwater to irrigate the outdoor facilities

Regional products

This farm uses up to 75% regional or organic products.

Renewable energies

This farm generates electricity and heat with a geothermal as well as solar system.

Tours and travel offers

This farm arranges for its guests guided nature tours on horseback.


This business picks up its guests from the train station on request, arranges rental bicycles for excursions and has bus schedules and tour suggestions for day trips.



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